2 Months of Rikki & Ruby

This picture just cracks me up EVERY time I look at it! Their hair and Rikki's face is just priceless! :)

This picture just cracks me up EVERY time I look at it! Their hair and Rikki’s face is just priceless! 🙂


Rikki – Rik, the little chunk now weighs 9 pounds and 4 ounces!

Ruby – My Rube Tube weighed in at 8 pounds 12 ounces!

The doctor said it doesn’t happen very often that the smaller twin (at birth) passes the other twin in weight at only 2 months.


We have graduated to newborn diapers! Well, a few weeks ago we did, but its still an exciting time! 🙂


It’s all still there! Their hair has gotten a little longer, but Rikki’s hair is still thicker than Ruby’s hair. 


For a few weeks now we have been in newborn clothes! Woop Woop! 🙂 We had lots and lots of sleepers and quite a few nice outfits in newborn size, so we are trying to wear them all a few times before the girls grow out of them. Then we are on to the abundance of 0-3 month clothes that we have. I might have to change them two or three times a day just so they all get worn before they don’t fit anymore! 😉

Their firsts

> June 13th, July 4th – Rikki and Ruby both had their first blow out diapers at Great Grandma Joanne’s house! Rikki made a mess of her nice white outfit she was wearing, and when Ruby exploded, she exploded everywhere! Grandma Shelly was holding her when she let out her hellacious fart and it not only came out of her diaper, but out of her shorts and onto Grandma’s arm, shirt AND skirt! HAH! I was in the next room at the time pumping, and boy was that a hilarious conversation to listen to! 🙂

> June 16th – They spend their first night away from mom and dad at Grandma Twyla’s house. Sleep had never felt so good! 🙂

> July 4th – For the first stretch of the night both girls slept 5 hours! That was A-Mazing! They have done it many times since then, but then the next stretch of sleep is usually 2 1/2 hours, but thats fine by me!

The girls in their Fourth of July outfits.

The girls in their Fourth of July outfits.

> July 4th  – The girls experienced their first fireworks display, and slept through the entire thing! They didn’t even wake up at the first cracks of the fireworks!

> July 11th – Rikki got her first tick! Brandon was holding her that morning in his dirty clothes while I was nursing Ruby, so thats probably where she got it from. It wasn’t attached or anything, but it was still there in her hair!

I snapped this picture really quick  at the girls' doctors appointment. Look at that tiny peanut on the table!

I snapped this picture really quick at the girls’ doctors appointment. Look at that tiny peanut on the table!

> July 16th – Both girls got their first set of shots. 😦 It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, but it wasn’t something I want to do every day!


> Snuggling

> Rocking in the recliner

> Standing up while being held, NOT sitting still. And boy do they know when you are pretending your walking by bouncing them while sitting!

> They are still pretty fond of that booby milk. 😉

> Ruby loves her pacifier, but Rikki could care less about it. Rikki takes it when it is necessary tho like when in the carseat or after getting her shots. 


> Hiccups

> When Ruby’s pacifier falls out.

> When milk isn’t in their mouth exactly two seconds after they start to cry for it.

Mom loves:

> Taking 1,384 pictures of the girls..daily. 😉

> Showing her girls off.

> Getting to dress the girls in real clothes, not just sleepers!

> When both girls sleep 4 1/2 – 5 hours at a time at night!

> When Grandma Twyla and Aunt BreAnna watch the girls one night on the weekend. Aunt BreAnna insists on it, and I will not refuse her…ever! 😉

Oh, how I love you girls and your big beautiful eyes!

Oh, how I love you girls and your big beautiful eyes!

Looking back, two months has actually gone rather quickly! We have had many more good, happy and tear free times than the bad, screaming times…and that makes for one happy mama! Even though I love little tiny newborn babies, I am looking forward to the next few months when I can interact with you both more, and you can depend on my boobs less. 😉 We love you both very much!

xoxo – Mama

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